Reuse and Recycling

We like to get a little creative with second-hand stuff.

For example, in our house you can find a lot of used doors, now used as closet doors. Older furniture we pimped with a coat of paint (table and TV cabinet in guest living room).

The kitchen cabinets were bought “vintage” on and then embellished and integrated. We had 197cm of space, and we found cabinets of 80, 40, 40 and … 37cm. So exactly whether it was custom made …

The lighting in the guest rooms is “typically” Belgian. Old beer tanks were given a new life there, filled with LEDs strips.

The majority of tableware and decor were also purchased from thrift stores.

Hopefully you will get some ideas here. Reusing stuff is even better than recycling because in many cases it is less energy intensive. Will you let us know what your creative ideas are ?

The vintage kitchen cabinets